GentleWays Code of Values and Ethics (Code) and Privacy Policy
At GentleWays (GW) for OurPlanet, we apply the same values that we promote with our work: Integrity, respect, kindness, compassion and caring. We are inspired by both the spirit and letter of these values in everything we do, and in every aspect of our lives. We always do our best to act in a manner that honours the goals and reputation of GW.
This Code applies to anyone who works for GentleWays in any capacity; volunteers, students,
contractors, and employees. It is also to be applied in everything we do under GW.
Effective date
June 2020
Integrity and quality in our work
At GW, our products and services, including messages, information, educational materials and any promotional campaigns, are always guided by the values of truth and honesty. We rely as much as possible on research findings, scientific reports, and expert opinions in various fields. Serving the common good is our ultimate purpose. We also strive to always deliver high quality products that are decent and respectful of diversity.
Respect for role
At GW, we understand our roles and responsibilities and work within these to support GW’s purpose and goals.
Personal gain
At GW, we act with integrity and do not use our status as GW volunteer, contractor or employee to obtain personal gain from those doing or seeking to do business with GW. Additionally, we neither seek nor accept valuable consideration from any organization or group that does, or is seeking to do, business with GW.
Conflict of interest
We commit to uphold the trust of GW supporters and the public in general by maintaining a high level of intellectual rigor and integrity in our work. We avoid all situations in which our personal interests conflict or might conflict with duties to GW. We promptly disclose any conflict of interest, real or apparent. The nature of this reported conflict is to be noted in GW records.
We respect the privacy and dignity of people. Some of us may have access to information and documents relating to other GW members or supporters, or GW business that is private and confidential. We exercise reasonable care to respect this confidentiality. All personal records are kept in a secure location.
Privileged information and intellectual property
We do not use for our own purposes or disclose to others, information obtained in the course of our roles within GW. Also, any product or process developed or created, solely or jointly, during the course of performing work for or on behalf of GW belongs to GW. This includes copyrights, patents, and other intellectual property rights associated with any ideas, concepts, techniques, or works of authorship.
Respectful conduct
We treat one another and every one with whom we interact while conducting GW business, with respect. Harassment, discrimination or other behaviours that compromise the dignity and self-worth of others will not be tolerated, and will be addressed promptly, in confidence, and in accordance with standards of due process. These are minimum expectations and by no means cover every contingency.
In the course of our related duties, we incur only those expenses that are authorized in writing by GW’s Executive Director.
Privacy Policy
Gentleways for OurPlanet may use the information you provide (e.g., name and email) to inform you about its own activities. It will not share your information with any third party for any commercial purposes whatsoever. As part of the app future updates, GentleWays may examine aggregate patterns of app use relying on some Analytics, for app improvement purposes.
Users can request at any time that their account and their data be deleted by sending their request to this email address: [email protected]. With such request, the user would need to provide the identifying information they used for signing up, i.e. name and email address.