"There are hundreds of small and big ways to make our footprint on this awesome planet lighter and gentler, every day!"

- GentleWays for ourPlanet
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GentleWays for OurPlanet

Committed to doing your part to help restore the ecological balance on Planet Earth and ready to start?

GentleWays for OurPlanet offers you plenty of ways to help you make a difference!

We, the people, together, can move the world onto healthier paths…

Learn about the most Worrying Facts according to experts from around the world.

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Adopting Wise A.I Habits with GentleWays

Adopting Wise A.I Habits with GentleWays

Artificial intelligence; a new and glamorous technology. As consumers we should ask ourselves what environmental consequences lie beneath the surface. Did you ever wonder how much energy A.I eats up… Read more to uncover!

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Ban on Trawling: Protecting our Oceans

Ban on Trawling: Protecting our Oceans

The health of oceans and their inhabitants is as crucial, if not more so, as the wellbeing of our forests. As the primary source of 50-85% of the Earth’s oxygen, oceans play a vital role in sustaining life on our planet. By protecting marine eco-systems, we’re not only protecting bio-diversity but also ensuring the long-term health of our planet.

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