Solutions - Fashion
Included under Fashion are clothing and electronics. We have a lot to say to raise awareness about the negative social and environmental impact of fashion. Due to the short life cycle of fashion, including phones, and the lack of regulations relating to proper disposal, most of these items end up in landfills, polluting soil, air and waterways.
The pressure on us to overconsume cheap, manufactured-for-short-life fashion is huge. But we need to know that the garment industry is the second most polluting industry, after oil and gas. E-waste – from extraction, to manufacturing to disposal – is also a significantly growing source of pollution. The good news is that the potential to reduce pollution and other forms of stress on ourPlanet in this area is almost untapped. We urge you to do your part!

Adopting Wise A.I Habits with GentleWays
Artificial intelligence; a new and glamorous technology. As consumers we should ask ourselves what environmental consequences lie beneath the surface. Did you ever wonder how much energy A.I eats up… Read more to uncover!

The next “plastic” crisis
When you think about reducing your carbon, water, and waste footprint does fashion come to mind? For many, the answer is no. But fashion is becoming a significant source of pollution. Every time we buy a piece of clothing, footwear, or an accessory – no matter where...
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