by GentleWays | Sep 26, 2019 | Travel
According to an article by Steve Westlake, a Ph.D researcher in environmental leadership, the wealthiest 10 per cent of the global population are responsible for 50 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions, and part of that is due to flying. The report indicates that in...
by admin | Sep 26, 2019 | Materials
In the distant future, when historians and other experts characterize our era, our geochemical signature in sediments and life artifacts will have been plastic. They will name our era the Plasticus Ageus. Plastic is everywhere… We are now ingesting and inhaling...
by GentleWays | Sep 26, 2019 | How Can I Help?, Uncategorized, Wellness
From the myriads of moving moments we call “self”, one of the most precious gifts you can give someone is a moment of your full, pure presence. BUSI-ness has taken over. It has become a status symbol, they say. Deep down, however, we still long for moments of full...
by GentleWays | Sep 25, 2019 | Fashion
When you think about reducing your carbon, water, and waste footprint does fashion come to mind? For many, the answer is no. But fashion is becoming a significant source of pollution. Every time we buy a piece of clothing, footwear, or an accessory – no matter where...
by GentleWays | Sep 24, 2019 | Food
Do you know the percentage of food wasted in affluent societies? According to some reports, up to 20%, or one fifth of food, is thrown out or consumed beyond caloric requirements. This is when we eat more than what our bodies need to maintain a healthy weight. So, to...