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Our first in-person tree planting event

Our first in-person tree planting event

GentleWays for OurPlanet's first in-person tree planting event was an awesome, memorable day! Dozens of youths and youth at heart mainly from the Lebanese-Canadian community in Ottawa planted 125 trees at Neil Nesbitt Park in Barrhaven, Ottawa, on September 24, 2022...

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If You Knew The Truth Would You…?

If You Knew The Truth Would You…?

Sometimes, we don’t ask a question because we don’t want to hear the answer. Sometimes, we look the other way, lest we see something we’re uncomfortable with. Sometimes, we say we want the truth but deep down we don’t because when we know the truth, It becomes...

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How Precisely We Express Feelings Affects Our Health

How Precisely We Express Feelings Affects Our Health

A study published recently in Emotion (June 2019) showed that expressing our feelings precisely protects us from developing depressive symptoms. It’s solidly established in the field of psychology that expressing our feelings is healthier than repressing or denying...

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Changing Others

Changing Others

Are you aware of the many ways you try to change others?  Do you make requests and suggestions? Do you drop hints? Use indirect ways like sulking; threats and punishment? Do you stew over what they should have done?  Whatever the way, a great deal of our frustrations...

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Civilized Leadership

Civilized Leadership

 I used to drive by the Museum of Civilization in Gatineau, Québec (Canada) on my way to work. And every day, the same fleeting question would cross my mind. What makes a civilization? One night, I found myself wondering about civilized leadership. What is Civilized...

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Many years ago I published an article on seduction as leadership competency. I argued and presented some evidence that, everything being equal, leaders who use “seduction” have greater prospects for advancement than those who do not. I defined seduction as the...

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A message for frequent flyers, and others…

A message for frequent flyers, and others…

According to an article by Steve Westlake, a Ph.D researcher in environmental leadership, the wealthiest 10 per cent of the global population are responsible for 50 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions, and part of that is due to flying. The report  indicates that in...

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