Our Tree Planting Project

Our Tree Planting Project

Trees for a healthier living: GentleWays’ commitment GentleWays for OurPlanet is dedicated to helping rebuild Ottawa’s urban forests. In partnership with the City of Ottawa, Ecology Ottawa and with the support from our community, we are committed to adding as many...
Menus 4 a Healthier Environment

Menus 4 a Healthier Environment

Our latest video, specially designed for restaurant owners and chefs in Ottawa encourages healthier and more eco-friendly dining choices. Discover how small changes, such as introducing plant-based meals onto restaurant menus can create advantages for both the...
Show your Love for the Planet

Show your Love for the Planet

Our “Show your Love for the Planet” videos are a series of interviews conducted in Ottawa whereby individuals are asked one single question: How do you show your love for the planet?  With our short videos we showcase the diverse ways in which people contribute to...
Changing our Menus

Changing our Menus

With a small grant from the City of Ottawa under Sustainability, GentleWays is currently implementing a project aiming at promoting sustainable plant-based food choices in Ottawa. We will be supporting and  collaborating with some restaurants towards an increase in...
Is Having Enough, Enough?

Is Having Enough, Enough?

I was aware of the power of words but, truly, didnt think that one word could trigger so much insight.  “Happy New Year my dear Aïda”, the new year card said, “May you always have enough”.   When I asked a group of people attending a workshop I was facilitating how...